Prosecutors are asking the Arizona Supreme Court to reinstate a law that allows some people accused of sexual abuse of minors to be held without bail.
Deputy Maricopa County Attorney David Cole said the constitutional provision limiting access to bail was adopted by voters in 2002. He said the state Court of Appeals, in overturning the law enacted by lawmakers to implement that amendment, failed to give “due consideration to the overwhelming will of the people.” Full Article
I see the old regulatory not punitive canard made its way into the CoA dissent, and the state is using the “high recidivism” argument to justify no bail, even though the conditions meant to “safeguard” the security of bail say nothing about whether or not someone is a “pedophilic” offender, but only whether the proof is overwhelming.
What’s more, the will of the majority is time and time again a proxy for tyranny, which is a major reason in having a constitution in the first place. You cannot deprive a class of persons of a right on the grounds that no one likes them. The overwhelming will of the majority has been on the wrong side of history many times before: segregation and gay marriage come to mind.
This is just the latest example.
They REALLLY want to use this argument??
Any competent lawyer would blow this one out of the water.
Cherry picking??
Is Arizona a state, or some kind of alternative universe. Honestly, they hate EVERYTHING!
OH, It seems such a good news for today. If the supreme court asked to reinstate no-bail law for some sex offenses; then it will be good news for us. I hope supreme court will take the right decision on this issue. I gather information about bail bonds from